5 tips for a better UX portfolio

Time to read: 8 minutes Have you ever had to put a UX portfolio together? I have. And I’ve had to go through bunches of them when interviewing people, trying to decide who might be a good future colleague. It’s very difficult. I recently participated in a portfolio feedback session with MA students in User eXperience (UX) in which another […] continue reading »

who are you calling “extrovert”? The (colourful) secret to faking it in a world gone loud.

Time to read: 4 minutes Before discovering the internet, I was the quiet child who didn’t ask a single question in 13 years of schooling. Ok. Maybe one or two questions. I dreaded being called to the board to solve things, despite being good at it. I just hated being in the spotlight. And now, I’m talking to you about […] continue reading »

The ethics of web design: do we have any?

Time to read: 3 minutes What makes someone an expert? A wise woman once told me that you are an expert “when others come to you for answers”. Well. It does take a little bit more: such as the ability to answer questions, repeatedly, correctly, memorably. There is a requirement to educate, surprise and spread knowledge and skills. Do that […] continue reading »

how I learnt to stop worrying and love talking to strangers

Time to read: 3 minutes Today I attended a conference run by Digital Doughnut. I knew they did digital, I knew they were related to marketing, and I did meet people who worked in the field. But what blew my mind was the stories, backgrounds and odd serendipities (is that a word?) that brought them to marketing in the first […] continue reading »

how do you sell yourself, if you hate selling yourself?

Time to read: 3 minutes I was talking to a friend the other day. Ok. We were talking about someone we know. It’s this really great guy, who is incredibly good at his job and has true understanding and vision in his field. But his immediate managers cannot see what he sees. And he finds himself periodically wanting to change […] continue reading »